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US Government was aware of Toxic Chemicals in the area.
A long list of reports and evidence supports that the USMC ignored continued warnings about the unacceptable water quality and toxicity of the water in supply wells in Camp Lejeune. This dates back to the start of the 1980s.
Camp Lejeune Benefit Coverage Map
Click on the above image to enlarge the map of Camp Lejeune Benefit coverage.
Image source: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/camp-lejeune/
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Camp Lejeune Lawsuit & Water Contamination Claims
Here Is What You Need to Know About
the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuits
The 2022 Camp Lejeune Justice act is a bipartisan law passed by the U.S Senate and enacted by President Biden on August 10, 2022. This legislation allows veterans, their families and anyone who lived, worked or was at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina (including unborn babies) between August 1, 1953 and December 31, 1987 to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for the harm and illnesses they suffered (such as numerous cancers, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Aplastic anemia) as a result of the contaminated and toxic water at Camp Lejuene. All lawsuits must be filed within 2 years of enactment of the law and must be filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Even veteran’s who applied for VA benefits in the past can file a lawsuit. Representatives such as an executor or administrator of an estate of a deceased victim may file a wrongful death lawsuit.
Congress has passed the PACT Act (which includes the Camp Lejeune Act), and President Biden has signed it into law. This allows people who were sickened by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to file lawsuits for compensation. Families have many questions about their legal rights and what they can do to get justice for being exposed to toxins in their water. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about Camp Lejeune water contamination and lawsuits. These FAQS explain what is going on and how it affects you.
What Happened at Camp Lejeune?
For over 30 years, service members who were stationed at Camp Lejeune and their families were exposed to dangerous and toxic drinking water. The base had a total of eight water treatment plants to supply drinking water to both residents and employees working on the base.
Two of these treatment plants had serious issues that led to water contamination. One of the treatment plants was located not too far from a dry cleaner that had very poor chemical disposal methods. The industrial chemicals that the dry cleaner used found their way into the water that passed through the filtration plant. The other treatment plant was located near underground storage tanks that leaked into the water supply. A third water treatment plant received overflow water from one of the contaminated plants and sometimes had toxic water.
Over the years, scores of people who served at Camp Lejeune were diagnosed with cancer or other illnesses because of the water. However, they often did not find out until after the fact why they were sickened.
Read More about the History of Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune
Who is eligible to file a lawsuit?
- Any person including a veteran service member,
- military civilian contractor,
- person who worked at Camp Lejeune,
- veteran’s family member such as a child or wife (spouse)
- deceased person who meets the above qualifications
who lived or worked or was exposed for a period of at least 30 days and was exposed to the contaminated water from August 1, 1953 to December 31, 1987 can file a lawsuit. It is not required that the 30 day period be consecutive.
Can a family get compensated for their loved one who died?
Yes. The legal representative of a deceased victim who lived, worked, or was exposed to water at Camp Lejeune for at least a 30 day period from August 1, 1953 to December 31, 1987 may also file a wrongful death lawsuit. This means that the executor, executrix, personal representative or administrator of an estate can file a wrongful death lawsuit for a victim who met the current eligibility requirements when they were alive.
Most lawyers suspect that the cause of your family member’s death does not have to be related to the illness which is linked to their exposure. Even if a victim’s death was from unrelated causes –like a shooting, a train accident or a heart attack– you may be able to get compensation for the sickness inflicted on him or her by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.
Can a person who was exposed in the Uteros get compensated?
A person who suffered in utero exposure may also file a lawsuit seeking justice as a result of exposure to contaminated water.
If you were an unborn baby in your mother’s womb during the applicable time period and your birth mother lived, worked or was exposed at Camp Lejeune, you may be eligible for compensation.
Victims can file a lawsuit even if they have already gone to the Veterans administration (VA) for benefits and been either approved or denied VA benefits.
I was dishonorably discharged by the military; can I get money from a Camp Lejeune settlement?
No. If you were dishonorably discharged you are not entitled to file a lawsuit.
Where will the Camp Lejeune toxic water lawsuits be filed?
According to the law, a camp Lejeune toxic water lawsuit must be filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.
How many people were exposed to the contaminated water from 1953 to 1987?
It is estimated that more than one million people lived or were stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina from 1953 to 1987. These people could have been exposed to toxic water by either bathing or drinking the water or by other means.
Why Did the Situation Go on for So Long?
The government simply did not know about the problem for decades. It did not test the water, and it was completely ignorant of the dangers to which it was exposing its vital service members.
What makes the situation even more appalling is that the government knowingly exposed service members and their families for years after first learning that there was a potential problem. The water treatment plants operated for at least six years after the government first learned of possible contamination because they were “studying” the issue.
Did the Government Immediately Tell Families of the Dangers They Faced?
No, and that is what makes this situation even more unjust. Even after learning of the contamination and shuttering the wastewater treatment plants, the government still did not tell people who were exposed to the toxic water about the situation. Affected service members and their families did not learn of the problems for the first time until the late 1990s. In the meantime, scores of people were treated for illnesses caused by the water when their physicians had no idea that they were exposed to toxins. In addition, victims were robbed of the ability to sue because the statute of limitations for a lawsuit had passed.
What Chemicals Were in the Camp Lejeune Water?
There have been scores of chemicals found in the Camp Lejeune water, making this one of the largest water contaminations in United States history. Some of the primary chemicals found in the water have been degreasers and a dry-cleaning solvent. Here are some of the most dangerous chemicals that were in the Camp Lejeune water:
- Vinyl chloride
- Toluene
- Benzene
- Trichloroethylene
- Perchloroethylene
- Other contaminants
What Illnesses Have People Exposed to Camp Lejeune Water Suffered?
The most common illness that people stationed at Camp Lejeune have been diagnosed with is cancer. The continuous presence of toxins in the body has caused service members and their families to develop the following types of cancer:
- Kidney cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Esophageal cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Leukemia
Kidney cancer has been the most frequently diagnosed type of tumor associated with Camp Lejeune water contamination because the kidneys are what attempt to scrub the body of toxins. Essentially, any part of the body that came into contact with the toxins in the drinking water is at risk of developing a tumor. It may take years or decades for the person exposed to develop cancer.
In addition, some people who were stationed or lived at Camp Lejeune have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. This is a degenerative neurological condition that usually does not occur on its own. Most often, Parkinson’s Disease happens because people have been exposed to some sort of dangerous toxin in their environment.
Further, women who were exposed to the toxins in the drinking water have suffered from infertility.
What are the presumptive conditions caused by toxic water at camp Lejeune established by the veteran’s administration?
The veteran’s administration has set forth a list of eight presumptive conditions linked to Camp Lejeune water.
The VA presumes that these illnesses and cancers are related to former service members exposure to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune. The VA will not require that veterans prove a medical nexus for these 8 conditions.
- Adult leukemia
- Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
- Bladder cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Liver cancer
- Multiple myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Parkinson’s disease
What are the conditions that the VA associates with the toxic water at Camp Lejeune?
The Veteran’s association has set forth 15 conditions that the VA acknowledges as being associated with toxic water exposure at Camp Lejeune. The eight presumptive conditions set forth above are included in the list of 15 set forth below.
- Bladder cancer
- Breast cancer
- Esophageal cancer
- Female infertility
- Hepatic steatosis
- Kidney cancer
- Leukemia
- Lung cancer
- Miscarriage
- Multiple myeloma
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Neurobehavioral effects
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Renal toxicity
- Scleroderma
Does the 2022 camp Lejeune Justice act specify the types of cancer, illnesses or complications that a person could file a lawsuit seeking compensation?
No. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 specifically states that a victim can file a lawsuit for any harm caused by the contaminated water.
What Health complications and illnesses have Been caused by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune?
Various types of cancer, birth defects, Parkinson’s disease, fatty liver disease, infertility, miscarriages, myelodysplastic syndromes, scleroderma, renal toxicity and more have been caused by the water. Below you will find a list of cancer, conditions and illnesses known or suspected to be caused by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune
- Adult leukemia
- Aplastic anemia
- Bladder cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Liver cancer
- Multiple myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Parkinson’s disease
- Renal toxicity
- angiosarcoma of the liver,
- acute myelogenous leukemia,
- Breast cancer
- Esophageal cancer
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Female infertility
- Hepatic steatosis
- Lung cancer
- Miscarriage
- Neurobehavioral effects
- Scleroderma
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Bladder cancer,
- Brain cancer,
- Cervix cancer,
- Colon cancer,
- Esophagus cancer,
- Larynx cancer,
- Liver cancer,
- oral cavity cancer,
- pancreas cancer,
- Prostate cancer,
- Rectum cancer,
- soft tissue cancer
Why Is it in the News Now?
Camp Lejeune water contamination issues are in the news again because it looks like victims may finally be able to get compensation for the harm that they have suffered. After years of being denied justice, families can now finally file a lawsuit against the federal government. Lawyers are ready to help you file the necessary lawsuit to hold the government accountable for your illness.
What is the PACT Act, and Why Is it Important?
The issue for families was that there was a provision in North Carolina law (where Camp Lejeune is located) that imposed a ten-year statute of Repose on these types of lawsuits. The problem was that the period had passed before victims even learned about the problem and their ability to file a lawsuit.
Congress needed to pass a special legislative provision that gave a one-time waiver of the statute of limitations to allow families to file a lawsuit. As often happens in Congress, this provision was tucked into another law that expanded healthcare for veterans who were exposed to burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. Congress needed to act to make a federal law that would have supremacy over the state law.
Under the PACT Act, there is a two-year waiver of the North Carolina law to allow families to file a lawsuit regardless of any statute of limitations.
Is the PACT Act Finally Law?
Yes. You may have heard of some of the controversy surrounding this bill. The PACT Act has been in the works for quite a while, but most things do not move fast on Capitol Hill. In addition, the two parties are almost always locked in partisan struggle, which can affect all types of legislation in front of Congress, even ones where the two parties largely agree. The Senate only briefly blocked the passage of the PACT Act. However, when the legislation came up for a vote the second time, it was handily passed. President Biden signed the bill into law on August 10, 2022.
Will My Family Automatically Be Compensated Now that the Camp Lejeune Justice Act Is Law?
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 is only a waiver of the statute of limitations and statute of repose to allow you to file a lawsuit.
You must still go through the lawsuit process and win in order to get financial compensation. This is not to say that the United States Government will defend and fight against your lawsuit. After all, Congress passed a special bill that allows families to file a lawsuit. It is unlikely that the government would turn around and fight to deny victims compensation.
Most likely, we expect a settlement of these claims. The PACT Act has already given an estimate of the cost of paying Camp Lejeune claims. Congress thinks that the sum total of these lawsuits will cost the government nearly $7 billion. However, this is not a limit of payments. It is just what Congress thinks the government would need to spend.
How did the Camp Lejeune Justice act of 2022 become law?
This legislation was initially introduced by Representative Matthew Cartwright on March 26, 2021. It was referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. Subsequently, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act was re-introduced on January 25, 2022, and it was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. On June 16, the U.S. Senate voted to pass the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.
On August 10, 2022, President Biden signed into law a bipartisan law titled the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act – or the Honoring Our PACT Act.
What is the Camp Lejeune Benefit Coverage Area?
The following image of the Camp Lejeune Benefit coverage area for past Water Contamination was retrieved from the US Department of Veteran Affairs’ website. Please click on the image to enlarge it.
Benefit coverage areas include:
- Camp Lejeune Greater Sandy Run;
- Stone Bay Rifle Range;
- MC Air Station New River;
- Camp Geiger;
- Camp Johnson / Montford Point;
- Tarawa Terrace;
- Holcomb Boulevard;
- Paradise Point;
- Hadnot Point;
- Onslow Beach; and
- Camp Lejeune Military Reservation
What is the primary purpose of the 2022 Camp Lejeune Justice act?
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act bars the United States government from asserting immunity from lawsuits when responding to toxic water lawsuits filed by victims who suffered as a result of exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.
The legislation’s primary purpose is to allow lawsuits by victims damaged by toxic water at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. A component of the law allows victims who were wrongfully exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953 and December 31, 1987 to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for the harm they suffered. This specifically includes veterans who were previous denied VA benefits.
I was denied VA benefits, can I still file a lawsuit?
Yes. It’s crucial to be aware that veterans who have applied to the VA for benefits – are eligible to file a lawsuit. Even veterans who had their toxic water claims denied – are eligible to pursue lawsuits pursuant to the Camp Lejeune Justice Act. Even if you were awarded VA benefits in the past, it does not preclude you from filing a lawsuit.
The legislation also expands the VA healthcare benefits and services that are available to the greater than 3 million veterans who were sadly exposed to toxic chemicals and hazardous materials during their military service. This legislation includes burn pits in Afghanistan and Iraq.
How Do I File a Camp Lejeune toxic water lawsuit?
If you are desirous of pursuing a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act 2022, you will have to retain a top lawyer to establish your claim for compensation. Your lawyer will draft a complaint seeking damages and compensation. The complaint will set forth your medical diagnosis, how your life was affected and how the water at Camp Lejeune was at fault
In drafting this complaint, your lawyer will be required to collect information from you. Your attorney will need to know:
- The length of time you were at the base,
- How were you were exposed to the contaminated water? (i.e., bathing, drinking),
- Your employment, family and or military history at the base including where you lived at the base and when you were there.
- The lawyer will need you to sign medical releases to obtain medical records related to the illness, cancer or condition caused by the toxic water.
- Your lawyer would file a lawsuit with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. This will be the first step in obtaining compensation and justice as a result of the wrongdoing of the United States government.
What Will I get for a Camp Lejeune Settlement?
Similar to most personal injury claims, the amount of your settlement or judgment will depend on:
- the nature of your illness, lost wages,
- the impact your illness has had on your life,
- the severity of the harm caused to you and your pain and suffering.
It is crucial that you hire an experienced high powered law firm because your attorney’s ability to link your medical condition suffered to the toxic water will be crucial. Our attorneys will answer your questions and give you an idea of what your award may be.
The camp Lejeune settlement amounts paid, will in all likelihood be very high. The congress has effectively set aside around 7 billion dollars to pay victims. In essence, the congress has requested and allowed victims to file suits, meaning the government wants to compensate victims. The Justice department represents the United States. It is unlikely the Justice Department would play hardball with victims when the US government requested to be sued, allocated the funds and wants to compensate the victims.
In a normal mass tort litigation, the defendant is a corporation who plays hardball because they do not want to pay victims and do not care about the victims. This toxic water issue has become political and the politicians are effectively stating how these victims should be compensated for the wrongs and injustice of the past.
We all know that the government has a nearly endless amount of money. 7 billion dollars is a drop in the bucket for the federal government. The amount victims receive could also depend on the number of victims who file lawsuits. If the lawsuits go to a jury trial, then a federal jury will decide the matter. Otherwise, the Justice Department will attempt to settle the cases.
Settlement amounts will in all likelihood include:
- past medical bills,
- future medical bills
- lost wages,
- pain and suffering
- loss of enjoyment of life,
- funeral expenses if the death was caused by the contaminated water
- It’s a crucial point that the legislation does have a provision stating that any potential settlements or judgments may be reduced by the amount of specific previous disability awards, payments and benefits. This specifically included VA benefits.
What If I Already pursued a claim for compensation with the VA?
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act law was enacted to give victims their day in court. A lawsuit and settlement will give compensation greater and more extensive than VA benefits. If you previously filed with the VA, there are a couple of potential outcomes that may occur:
If your claim for VA benefits was denied, you get a second bite of the apple-so to speak. The statutory intent of the new law was to aid and assist those who were previously denied benefits. We will say it yet again, A PREVIOUS DENIAL OF VA BENEFITS FOR THE SAME EXPOSURE WILL NOT BAR, PREVENT OR HINDER A LAWSUIT!
If you were awarded VA benefits, the legislation would allow you to get compensation for damages such as pain and suffering and other compensation not included in VA benefits. There may be a reduction for what you have already received in VA benefits. It’s a crucial point that the legislation does have a provision stating that any potential settlements or judgments may be reduced by the amount of specific previous disability awards, payments and benefits. This specifically included VA benefits.
It has been estimated that the federal government will allot over 7 billion dollars for these lawsuits.
Image Source: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/camp-lejeune/
Do I Still Need a Lawyer for Camp Lejeune Claims?
Absolutely. You still need to win your lawsuit. You may face issues if the government does not think that your illness is tied to or was caused by the water at Camp Lejeune. In addition, winning your lawsuit is only part of the story. You must also secure enough compensation to pay for your damages, which means potentially negotiating a settlement with a claims fund. You do not have to simply take what you are given, but you may need to fight for what you get. An experienced attorney would put a value on your claim and then work to get that money for you.
It’s highly advisable that victims interested in pursuing lawsuits and justice against the United States, hire the best camp Lejeune attorney in the United States. Do not lose sight that you will need to file a lawsuit in federal court. This is not just filling out some claim forms for the VA or a garden variety application for befits. Pursuing a civil lawsuit in Federal Court in North Carolina is a complicated process. Your attorney can establish a solid case for compensation, establishes the severity of your injury and prove that your condition, cancer or illness was linked to the toxic water.
How Much Does a lawyer Cost?
Lawyers will handle these matters on a contingency-fee structure. This means that a victim does not pay unless the attorney wins or settled the case. The law limits lawyer fees to 25 percent.
How Do I Find an attorney for my Camp Lejeune toxic water Claim?
In order to litigate and potentially settle your potential claim, you need to hire a high-powered law firm with experience handling mass tort lawsuits in Federal Court.
We are considered pioneers in our field as leaders in helping victims obtain justice and top compensation as a result of mass torts.
For Camp Lejeune lawsuits, we work with North Carolina-based lawyers as a team to help victims recover compensation. The lawyers we work with in North Carolina are high-powered big time law firms who have filed many lawsuits with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. This is the exact Court where the Camp Lejeune contaminated water lawsuits need to be filed.
We are offering to consult with Camp Lejeune victims free of charge. Please fill out our form on our website or call us 24/7 to speak with a licensed and experienced lawyer. We will explain to you whether you qualify for compensation, the ins and outs of the lawsuit. If eligible we will file a lawsuit seeking compensation.
What Should I Do for a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Now?
You should contact an experienced attorney because you still have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit. Your lawyer will help you with your lawsuit and can negotiate compensation on your behalf.
There is Limited Time to File a
Camp Lejeune Lawsuit!
It has been published that there will be a limited time frame to file a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit. The timeframe in question is said to be a window of 2 years.
Key Facts
The investigations and several lawsuits have all culminated to this point in the Camp Lejeune Lawsuit – view the key facts here.
Limited Time
A limited time of 2 years for claims against the billions of funds set aside for Camp Lejeune lawsuit victims.
Funds Allocated
The US Government has allocated Billions of Dollars for injured victims of Camp Lejeune and their families.
Presumptive Injuries
A comprehensive list has been published according to investigations. This list can be viewed here: Presumptive Injuries.
Claims Process
You or your loved ones need to file a lawsuit, this is a prerequisite. Bear in mind this does not affect VA Benefits.
Free Review
Complete the form on our website to receive a free, no obligation review of your potential claim.
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We Help People
Our passion lies in helping those that have been wrongfully injured and affected by the negligence of others, including the likes of the US Government who actively chose to ignore the warnings of tainted and “poisoned” water supplies at Camp Lejeune.
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